I always make it a point to NOT do research on any place I plan to visit. Why? Because I want to go in there raw, unbiased and open to anything. While at Mission San Miguel back in 2014, Rick and I were walking around the cemetery and there was another ghost child, a little girl who danced in front of me to get my attention about 12 years old and I asked her what do you want, why are you here? She said my marker isn't here I'm here but my marker is gone let me show you where I'm buried. She showed me and I promised her I'll come back. I said, I'm going to help you one day. My intent was to do research as to who she was so she could have a proper marker over her remains but I could never find anything but after a couple of years, I learned how to cross ghosts over, I knew I could help her so this year we went back in the Spring and I walked around the cemetery again. Sure enough there she was in front of me again, I had even forgotten what she looked like until she appeared. I said, you know what? I know how to cross you over now you're going to see your parents! and she gleefully went right up through my arms into the skies BUT when I looked down, there was a line of people!  I told them they can cross over too. I saw a Hispanic man in a leather jacket with garden clothes on and he went right over. Then I saw an African American young man and he went right into the light followed by a pregnant Hispanic Woman and three boys all Hispanic in different sizes. Now, at the very end of the line there was a man dragging his body towards me and he stared up at me with piercing brown eyes. I thought maybe he was born that way. He was missing his hands and his feet but he also had severe gashes in his face and I let him know to go ahead and cross over to go and he did. While on the way home I researched on my phone as Rick was driving and I thought maybe this man had leprosy. It turns out that that whole family was murdered. There were some Pirates in 1848 that landed in Monterey and followed the El Camino Real down south. They had heard that the keeper of this mission, which was by then a hotel, held a lot of gold in a chest so they ransacked the place and tortured the keeper with an axe, but he wouldn't tell so they murdered his entire family. His pregnant wife and three young sons and the African-American cook and the gardener. They were all found in the main room in the mission. Rick and I were both shocked, but so happy I could do something about their souls. No longer were they destined to relive their misery over and over and over again.
While Rick and I were on a tour at the Ferry Plantation house in 2015, I saw the ghost of a little girl sprawled out on the floor stacking blocks. She had blonde hair pulled up with a blue bow, vivid blue eyes a little rose-colored dress on with a white pinafore, stockings and black Mary Janes. I asked the tour guide if I could stay a while in the room and I explained to her that I see ghosts. I was allowed to stay and immediately I sat down in front of the little girl. She looked up at me as she was stacking the blocks and asked me if I wanted to play with her and I said sure and she started rolling a ball back and forth between us and she said, look, look at all the beautiful decorations, look at the Christmas tree, see my toys? She was explaining the room as how it looked at Christmas. I played with her for a while and talked with her and as I started to go she looked up from her blocks and her face had changed. She now had very sallow skin and deep dark eyes with bags under them and dark circles and looked very, very sick. She was scared and said,What's happening to me? I promised I would come back and help her when I knew how to. I didn't know at the time how to help her but knew I must. Afterwards I talked with the guide who confirmed that the family always had the Christmas tree in the center of the room I was in. She also confirmed other ghost hunter had talked to the little girl by using their machines they have to communicate with ghosts. I returned back just this summer as promised and knocked on the door and asked if I could come in and explained who I was. The woman, who I hadn't met on the first tour practically slammed the door in my face and said, I'm going to ask you to leave! so for the first time you see, I had experienced prejudice for what I do and it hurt but I kept conversation going by being super sweet and  by complimenting her shoes and keeping her at the door. She finally explained,Look, we like our ghosts here and we don't want anybody irritating them. If you want to experience our ghosts, come back on the ghost nights. Here's a brochure. Sure enough, for just $49.00, I too, could come back on ghost nights and experience them for myself Now wouldn't you think that keeping ghosts just for pure monetary use is wrong? There are many ghost hunting groups that pay to come in and harass these ghosts not just here, but everywhere. I talked this woman into at least letting me walk around the periphery of the house since I had traveled 3,000 miles to help this little ghost and I told her I was just giving the house a blessing. But, you know what I did? I stopped right by the wall on the outside of the house where I had seen the little girl on the inside of the house and as soon as I was there this precious little ghost was jumping up and down in front of me outside of the house with her dog and I crossed her over by putting my arms up and she went from my right arm into my left hand and up into the light and as I saw her go through the veil of light her parents hands came through the veil as well as her brothers and pulled her in and then her dog went but surprising to me there was also a scullery maid who asked if she could cross over too and I said of course! And she went on as well, so mission accomplished! This was one of many ghosts that went out of their way to get my attention and after some investigation and questioning, I was told I am a beacon, a light that the ghosts can see through this vail between the living and the dead and they are drawn to me to help them. Part of what I do is lift these ghosts into the light and sometimes all I have to do is tell them they are dead or it's the year 2017. Sometimes I have to tell them everything will be alright. Sometimes it can take a few visits.
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A client came to me with concerns about feeling that there were ghosts in her house after she did a renovation. Being that she has her home and Colma, a burial town full of cemeteries, I had to take into consideration that she was being visited by ghosts from the nearby cemeteries or that the cemeteries had been built over and someone was still buried underneath her house.
As I pulled up to the house that night, I felt a strong angry force as I entered the driveway which made me take a step back. I clutched my protector rock and necklace and walked up to the door and knocked. There was a woman whom I'll call Amy and her son and daughter, young adults. I got to just sit down and talk with them and let them ask any questions they want and tell me the stories of why they thought there was a ghost in their house. Amy said how nice it was to sit and talk about ghosts in her house and not be looked at as if she were crazy! I said all in a day's work :)
The son let me know that he thought he saw someone over his bed for several nights and once felt his foot being grabbed. They also let me know that the husband of Amy saw a woman walk down the hallway once in ghostly form. After we visited, I had them silence their cell phones and dim the lights so I could walk around and use what I call my “Spidey senses”. This is where I put my arms out and feel with my hands and look through my eyes not at their furniture and decorations but at the veil of where the ghosts live. It was interesting that I started in the back of the house because that's immediately where I found our first ghost. I came back to my tools and got my wand I made with holy water and crystals and a couple special rocks and walked back to his room. I sat on his bed hesitantly as I could feel the anger from this ghost and the frustration.
He then appeared to me by taking some of my energy to help him appear. He had on what I could only describe as a pin striped Zoot suit . He also had on black and white shoes and a pocket watch with a chain and a nice hat. He was late for the party he said he was really p***** *** at his friends because they pushed him out of the car I believe they shot him but not sure . He was pacing back and forth and wringing his hands and waiting for his ride. So then I had to question myself if he was actually buried where his spirit is right now and my answer was no that he died right there and there must of been some road right there that no longer exists . I asked him to show me through his eyes what was around him and all I could see was artichoke fields and grasslands and a small road.
This leads me to believe it might have been around the twenties as I believe he was with the mob and running with guns or alcohol. I then preceded to tell him that he was dead and it was the year 2018 and that he could be helped by me if he wanted it. He stopped pacing at that point and looked right at me. He had brown eyes and hair and dark skin like a dark Italian perhaps and he had no injuries that I could see.
At that point, because I got his attention, I told him he’s missing a great party for him in heaven and everyone he knew and loved would be there if he could just follow the light. I told him that once he got to that light all his troubles would be over and he would be happier than he's ever felt in his life . I then created a corridor of light and asked him to step into it and he crossed quite easily as I held up my hands from one hand to the other. In my one hand I held up my wand towards the light and I felt him go like the tingling of a light electrocution from a toaster from one hand to the other. As he left, he did say thank you and he looked back at a ghost cat but then left and the room felt so much lighter and there was a sigh of relief from Amy and her children.
Since I also felt something in the kitchen I was able to walk in there and instantly someone was showing me what that beloved kitchen looked like through their ghostly eyes. There were certain appliances that were different, had moved and were in different colors and textures of tile and cabinets and flooring. This ghost was a lot softer and was treading so lightly! She snuck away and left the kitchen almost tiptoeing wearing a long nightgowns slippers socks and a long robe with her hair up in rollers with a cigarette in her hand. She went and hid in Amy's closet and as I went in there to talk to her she hunkered down in the corner and I asked her what was wrong and she said, “ I don't want to leave. I have nowhere to go” She looked so despondent.
I told her she does have a place to go and it's heaven and it's a beautiful light place with everyone that she knows in there. Her face lit up a bit and I said I can help her get there and she stood up and I wanted her to cross over into the light from hand to hand as the other. She chose to go through my body as our bodies are mostly water and a good conduit as she was passing through my body from one hand up through about halfway through my body and chest she said, “Tell Amy take care of my roses. “I told Amy and she said, “ Oh my goodness, we ripped out the Rose bushes to put the addition on”. I just looked at our ghost and said, “Yes, she’ll take care of them”. Then she continued to travel through my body up into my hand with the wand and as she started to leave into the light she asked if her cat could go and it was the same cat that the other ghost had mentioned! She reached down and scooped her up and they both went up into the light so beautifully. This time, for the first time, I heard crackling in the air.
Amy let us know that she often had night terrors of mice running all around her bed and I believe that was the ghost cat leaving her a gift on the bed as cats do.
I left that night feeling as if I had helped two lost souls cross into the light and a family feeling much better that they could finally have a good night sleep.
All in a night’s work.
The next day I received the following text:
“Hello! Last night was surreal and such an amazing experience. It was a great night’s sleep and we are so thankful for all that you did.”