I call what I do with ghost helping or assisting. While on my travels, they will reach out to me to let me help them. I don't ask them, they ask me. Funny enough,when a ghost approaches me, I'll go ahead and experience them before confirming with historical documents just to test myself that my imagination isn't just running wild!First off, I feel them. If I am doing a ghost helping session with someone or just happen to be somewhere where there is one, I can sense them in the beginning almost like an electrical field. The air where they are is thick and sort of feels like room temperature water. They make me feel as if I have the flu. I get nauseous, shakey and just feel down right aweful.I then ackowledge their existence and they will appear. Sometimes in full blown color, sometimes they look like heat waves but in their human form. Ghosts can't morph into what they want to look like, they appear to me as they did when they died. Poor things. Often they are just desperate to share their version of the story but sometimes, especially if I just notice them but they didn't reach out to me, they can be angry that I have noticed them.Often when I do a house investigation, I do it in three sessions. First, I go to identify if there is one indeed in the house. Second, I'll go and have a chat with them to find out what they are doing there and third to either give them limits or cross them over. I'm surprised how many clients once they find out who the ghost is, don't mind letting them stick around! I do feel it's best to cross these poor souls over but sometimes I have to help them with their unfinished business first!
I get such elation and joy from doing a Spirit Reading! I consider Spirits people who have already crossed over to the other side. Usually the Spirits that want to talk to my clients are past loves ones but they can also be unborn children, Angels and Spirit Guides. To start off, I start talking to the client while running my hands over the many rocks and crystals I have. They "speak" to me as if they are saying, "Pick me! " After I lay them out,and ask for light and guidance from above, I light a candle and start. When the time is right, the first Spirit will appear to me as a huge orb, almost the size of a large balloon. The colors are unique for each Sprit!I then sit quiety while they idendtify who they are. How? Well, by pictures they let me receive in my head. They can appear at any age they experienced in the lifetime but usually like to appear as the client knew them, I love how I not only get to see how they looked but also get to know their essence, who they were. I feel I get to know this Spirit better than I know some of my own loved ones!Once confirmed and talked about by the client, the Spirit gives me a message for them. We then move on to the next and the next. Sometimes past pets even come through and one time a neighbor who had passed! These readings generally take an hour to 2 hours and the client so far, has always gone away elated. Messages from beyond are consided personal and confidential.