Travel time is not included. Cost is generally an additional $25 for 30 minutes of driving to event.
In general, there are 1-3 spirits who will come to me during a session. I will convey all their messages. The person you wish to contact must have been gone at least 3 months in order for me to get a good reading. Both Zoom and in person work just as well for me. A$50. deposit required is required to hold your appoint. Up to 4 people who wish to connect with the same loved ones.
Same as above but in person held at the Mystic Flora Apothecary shop in San Mateo. Additional people $50 each.
Travel time is included for any location 10 miles or less away from San Mateo. Ghost investigations may take an additional one or two visits which is included in price, for local sessions. A $50 deposit is required.
This reading is just an hour and covers a few key points or visitors from the Spirit World.
Short 20 min. readings for $40 Always held at Mystic Flora Apothecary, 2200 S El Camino Real, San Mateo from 3-6 pm.