I can't recall when I started because it's always been a part of me. I do recall many quiet moments and conversations with beings nobody else could see. My earliest recollections are when I was about 4 and my whole family used to work at the Meadow Club in Fairfax, CA. I was the only child there and was expected to entertain myself day in, day out. I was never lonely as there was an elderly man ghost who used to play hide-n-go seek with me. Since this place was approximatly 20,000 square feet, we had lots of fun!It wasn't until I was about 5 and had just finished some play time with some Native American ghosts on the hill we lived at that I realized that it was "wierd and wrong" to play with pretend friends. This is about the time I started having neighborhood friends and they used to tease me for having such an "acive" imagination so, I learned to turn it off.I kept it off until I was in my late 30's. At the time, I lived near a place called Payless in San Mateo. Every time I went in there, a red haired, blue capped ghost kept appearing to me. He was just stocking shelves, sweeping, doing general shop keeping. I finally told my husband and thankfully he remembered because a few years later, there was an event that happened that changed my view forever.My husband was reading the paper one day and asked me if I remembered what I saw at Payless. I barely did but he suggested I go over there and really pay attention to what I saw and felt. I went and tuned in for the first time since I was a child to what I could see. A watery figure appeared in front of me and waved around excitedly! I felt nauseous but it was insistent and appeared to me in color. It was a long red haired young man with intense eyes. After I went home, I told my husband what I saw and he showed me the paper. They were reopening the case of the Payless Murders. When I looked at the pictures of the victims, I went pale. There, right in the middle was a young man named Tracy with long curly red hair. He looked just like the ghost I had seen. It seems they were never able to catch the killers. I ran back there and told Tracy to go ahead and show me anything he wanted. He brought me to here he saw the killers come in the building through the roof. He brought me to the place he was shot in the back. I could see through his eyes the masked men and how he tried to defend himself with a shovel but it was too late.When I contacted the family to say I may have some details to add, I was very shy and nervous that they would look at me like some crazy woman but thankfully, Tracy's brother arranged for the police to come in and escort me through the back of the store and tell them Tracy's side. It was confirmed and nobody but the family knew where Tracy fell from his gunshot wound, but I knew. I was never able to help catch the perpetrator as I could only share what happened to Tracy. At the memorial outside the store, I saw him one last time. He swirled around everyone he knew very happily. He then swooped in front of me and smiled and as I smiled back, he got bigger and bigger and bigger and dissipated into a million little pieces. I didn't realize until later, that was him crossing over.
When I was asked by a long time, trusted friend to do a Spirit reading, I tried to tell her that I don’t do those. What I realized after we did the reading was, YES, I can do spirit readings! Her nephew had died of suicide and she desperately wanted to see how he was doing. I asked her to bring some belongings of this young man to the reading to help me connect with him.I cleared her space with sage and lit a candle and placed a crystal next to it. I then held my friends hands across the table and asked if the young man would come forward. For the first time ever, I saw a beautiful white orb the size of a huge beach ball with electricity in it descend down and hover above the table about 6 inches.I knew in my heart it was him and asked my friend to ask any questions she wanted. To my surprise, I didn’t so much as hear his response as feel it. I became him and saw and felt through his body. He answered a lot of her questions and then had a message for her. He told her there was something very important in his closet that she needed to make sure his fiancé received. I was able to describe the closet to a tee even down to which two sweaters on the right hand side on the upper shelf the prize was. She still had more questions but he started leaving! He showed me a wreath of flowers being floated off to sea and he basically said he was sorry and had to go.This reading, my first spirit reading, affirmed a few things for both of us. 1) he was ok 2) I get my messages through visions and feelings not words 3) Yes, there turned out to be money tucked in between the sweaters which was given to his fiance and 4) when he had to go, there was actually a memorial happening for him at that very moment with a wreath of flowers being floated into the sea for him.It was a beautiful reading…
Another way of tragically dying is in war, of course so while in Virginia, we visited a Civil war sight in Frederiksberg. While exploring Fredericksburg Battlefield along the stone wall in the sunken Road the air was so heavy and my stomach got weak and it was even hard to move my legs. Rick felt it as well. We walked around and saw some of the places the soldiers were massacred and surmised that along the stone wall was the best place. I put up my arms with a stone called labradorite in my left hand and stated the following, I am a beacon of light. I am sent here to cross you over and get you out of this I proceeded to let the ghosts of these poor massacred soldiers from the Civil War pass from one hand to the other and up into the light of Heaven. There were so many families coming through the other side and greeting their wounded soldiers! I saw them on my right crawling on the ground using anything they could to scooch along including sticks and guns and come towards me in a line and as I saw them ascend into the light, they dissipated into a million pieces. Afterwards there was joy, and the air was much lighter and my stone? Was hot as fire..
While talking to Spirits for a client, I almost always use rocks and minerals to aid me. When a client wants to talk to crossed over loved ones they talk to me a little about them and as they are talking, I pass my hands over the stones and they actually heat up! I put them around a candle and I proceed to talk to spirit. The rocks are comprised mostly of what I find on my travels and are uniquely special!
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